SCCER interview with Olga Weiss

  • 2/20/20 12:00 PM
  • Kirsten Oswald

Coupling of the mobility and energy sectors crucial in enabling faster carbon emission reductions

Olga Weiss is a postdoctoral researcher in the Energy Systems Group in the Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich. Her research focusses on simulating transition pathways for the Swiss energy and transport sectors considering technological advancements, business models as well as economic, social and political factors. Within SCCER Mobility, this effort is part of the Joint Activity Coherent Energy Demonstrator Assessment (CEDA). Previously, Olga Weiss was a research associate at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland where she conducted model-based analyses of electricity and gas markets and energy-related policies and regulations. She obtained her PhD and Master’s degrees in Electricity Markets and Power Systems from the same university. She also holds a Master’s degree from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Power Systems and Networks. When thinking about the future, Olga Weiss is convinced that the mobility and energy sectors will progress towards being more sustainable with lower emissions. In part, she thinks this can be achieved with a coupled energy-mobility system “dominated by renewable energy sources, decentralized smart energy systems with proactive consumers.”

Continue reading the entire interview.

The SCCER interview series is part of its Advancement of Women and Equal Opportunities initiatives.

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